How to break auto glass in an emergency
Learn how to break auto glass in an emergency situation. Intentionally breaking auto glass is something that most of us have never given a thought to. And for most us, it will never be necessary. However, emergencies do happen, and you never know when you might find yourself in an auto glass emergency. Tragic stories are publicized much too often about a neglected child being left locked in a hot car. Additionally, a car could catch on fire or stop working electronically. These are times when it would be necessary to forcibly break a car window or windshield. Hopefully, you never find yourself in such a scenario, but just in case, it is best to take precaution by learning the most effective ways to break auto glass.
Here are the two best techniques:
Use a headrest (if you need to get out of the car)
In an emergency, you'll be forced to use the nearest resources. You'll have to grab something that is in reach. Unless you have something in your glove box or on your dash, vehicles generally do not consist of parts that will assist in breaking glass. One thing you can use is a headrest. Headrests are pointed. They may not be sharp, but they are pointed.
Once you grab the headrest, you will want to jam the metal pegs into the area from which the window rolls up. Moreover, between the door panel and the glass. Try to jam the pegs as far down as possible in order to generate the most pressure. At this point, you can pull the headrest towards you. If done properly, you should hear a snap and a crack should appear up the middle of the glass. The glass should then crack and fall away from the door.
Use a spark plug (if you need to get into the car)
The most convenient tool you can use to break auto glass in order to get into a car is a spark plug. A spark plug should be located under the hood of a vehicle (with the exception of diesel trucks). The spark plug is small, but effective. You will want to break off the porcelain which surrounds the plug. You can do so by knocking it into the ground a few times. Once the porcelain is broken off, you will see the pointed part.
Now, don’t get so anxious as to try and hammer the plug into the window or windshield. Instead, throw the spark plug into the center of the window as if it were a dart. There is no specific bullseye; however, you’ll want to try and aim towards the very center of the glass. The glass will break once impacted by the spark plug. Cars use tempered glass, so the glass should break in larger, less-sharp pieces rather than shattering altogether.
The use of a headrest or spark plug are the two most effective and convenient ways to break auto glass. Nothing is convenient about the situation requiring you to break the glass, but these two options at least provide a way out of the situation.
Our representatives at ABC Auto Glass prioritize safety over all else. We hope you never have to use either of these techniques, though, we wanted to brief you on how to manage auto glass emergencies just in case.
If you are in need of auto glass repair or replacement, please contact ABC Auto Glass at (972) 665-7008 for assistance. We will ensure your auto glass is durable and safe.